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AEW Dynamite Results Coverage, Reactions & Highlights For November 8, 2023

It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means! AEW Dynamite will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the November 8, 2023 episode.

The start time for AEW Dynamite is 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.

Tonight promises another exciting night of action as MJF defends the AEW World Championship against Daniel Garcia. Samoa Joe is also set to defend the ROH World TV Championship against Keith Lee.

AEW Dynamite Lineup (11/08/2023):

  • Sting & Darby Allin vs. The Outrunners
  • Swerve Strickland vs. Penta El Zero Miedo
  • We’ll hear from Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega
  • Hikaru Shida and Toni Storm sitdown interview with Tony Schiavone
  • Mark Briscoe vs. Jay White
  • ROH World TV Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Keith Lee
  • Red Velvet vs. Julia Hart
  • AEW World Championship: MJF (c) vs. Daniel Garcia

AEW Dynamite Results (11/08/2023):

Tony Schiavone interviews MJf who says it takes three seconds to end a title reign. He then says it won’t happen again. Adam Cole calls him and says he is worried about him. Cole tells him to take Joe up on his offer. MJF says he can defend the titles and he will handle Daniel Garcia who walks in.

MJF says he believes a little bit of himself in Garcia. He asks if he is getting a sports entertainer or a professional wrestler. Roderick Strong and Kingdom walk in and says they can give him some tips. MJF calls him a joke. Strong says MJF is the devil and he hangs up. Strong says it is time to remind everyone who he is.

The opening package for the show airs.

AEW World Championship: MJF (c) vs. Daniel Garcia

Daniel Garcia’s music plays and he comes out with Matt Menard and Angelo Parker. MJF’s theme song plays and he walks to the ring.

The match begins and Garcia takes down MJF. MJF asks to shake his hand but Garcia slaps his hand away and MJF pokes him in the eye. MJF with a bodyslam on Garcia. He goes to work on Garcia. MJF plants Garcia to the mat.

*Commercial break*

Garcia attacks MJF in the corner. Garcia with a German suplex. He hits the brain buster. Cover! 1….2…..kick out. MJF with a back suplex. He goes for the double knees in the corner and misses. MJF stomps the arm. He hits him with the shoulder breaker. MJF with the hammerlock DDT. Cover! 1….2….kick out. MJF with the thrust kick. He goes for Panama sunrise and misses. Garcia takes out the legs of MJF.

Garcia hits the pile driver. Cover! 1…..2….kick out. He locks in the dragon tamer. MJF transitions into the Salt of the Earth and Garcia taps out.

Winner: MJF (c)

MJF offers a handshake and Garcia is about to accept but Matt Menard and Angelo Parker stop him. MJF asks him not to listen to them. Garcia walks out of the ring.

*Commercial break*

Sting & Darby Allin vs. The Outrunners

Darby Allin’s music plays and he comes out to the ring with Sting. The Outrunners are in the ring.

The match starts and Darby takes down Truth Magnum. Truth tags out and he attacks Darby from behind. Floyd attacks Darby in the corner. He tags out and Magnum continues the assault. Ford tags in and goes for a suplex but Darby tags out and Sting attacks him and sends him out of the ring.

Truth drags Darby out of the ring and Floyd attacks Sting from behind. Sting knocks them both down and hits them with the Stinger splash in the corner. He locks in the Scorpion death lock and Magnum taps out.

Winner: Sting & Darby Allin

Tony interviews Toni Storm and Hikaru Shida. Shida asks what happened to Toni. Toni says Shida happened. She says she will win it again but Shida happened. She says she couldn’t make history so she became history. She says Shida can never win the spotlight. They both sign the contract. Shida says she is going to beat her at Full Gear. They have a stare down.

Swerve Strickland vs. Penta El Zero Miedo

Swerve’s music plays and he walks to the ring with Prince Nana. Penta El Zero Miedo’s music plays and he walks to the ring.

The match starts and Swerve hits an hurricanrana. He attacks him in the corner. Both men exchange chops. Swerve kicks him and stomps his hand. Penta comes back with a backstabber. He goes for a dive but Swerve catches him with an uppercut. Swerve slams Panta on the steel steps. Swerve goes for a dive and misses. Penta superkicks him. He then dives onto Swerve.

*Commercial break*

Swerve chops Penta. Both men exchange strikes and knock each other down. Penta with the sling blade. He does it again. He then slams Swerve to the mat. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. Penta sends Swerve out of the ring. Penta hits the Canadian destroyer on the apron. Penta sends him into the ring and hits the stomp.

Swerve slams Penta. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Swerve stomps Penta on the apron. He sends him into the ring and goes for the 450 splash but Penta catches him and snaps the arm. He hits the made in Japan. Cover! 1…..2…kick out.

Penta goes for fear factor but Swerve counters and drives Penta into the mat. He snaps the arm and then hits the stomp for the win.

Winner: Swerve Strickland

Swerve tries to remove Penta’s match but Hangman Page comes running down with a steel chair and chase Swerve. He hits Swerve with the chair multiple times. He hits the deadeye of the stage.

Alex interviews Bullet Club Gold. Jay White says he is still with the AEW Title. He says he will play along. He says he has always been better than MJF. He says he is truly elite and asks MJF to watch his match.

Renee interviews Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho. Jericho says Don didn’t realize they have friends. The Young Bucks walk and says they heard they have a cool name. He says he remembers another name called The Elite. Jericho says it was the four of them who helped start the company. Matt says he walked in and rode their coat tails. Jericho says they are the greatest to ever do this. He says they can beat them.

Matt challenges them to a match at Full Gear. Jericho accepts and he says when they win, they will get their title shot. Matt says when they win, Jericho and Omega stop being a team. Omega says Young Bucks are the greatest tag team of all time. He says he has beaten them before. He says if they want to do this again, they’ll do it. He says he’ll see them in LA and walks way. Jericho says he will be happy to beat them up.

ROH World TV Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Keith Lee

Keith Lee’s music plays and he comes down to the ring. Samoa Joe’s theme song plays and they walk out to the ring.

The match begins and Joe knocks down Lee. Lee comes back and knocks down Joe. Lee attacks Joe in the corner. Joe attacks Lee in the corner and chops him down. Lee hits Joe with a crossbody.

*Commercial break*

Lee attacks Joe in the corner. Joe fights back with a knee breaker. Joe with a dragon screw. Both men exchange strikes. Joe with the high boot. He goes for a senton but Lee catches him and hits a German suplex. Lee with a powerbomb. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Joe with the sleeper hold on Lee who passes out.

Winner: Samoa Joe (c)

Joe gets on the mic and says he is the greatest ROH TV Champion of all time. He says he did not come to be a TV Champion. He says he is hungry and he vacates the ROH TV Championship because the next gold on his shoulder will be the AEW World Championship.

Orange Cassidy is backstage and he says Jon Moxley is the only person he has been thinking about. He says the title doesn’t feel the same because he needs to beat Moxley in order to be the International Champion he knows he is. He says he will beat him at Full Gear.

The Gunns vs. The Bollywood Boyz

The Gunns’ music plays and they come out to the ring. Bollywood Boyz are in the ring.

The match begins and the The Gunns go on the attack. They hit the 310 To Yuma for the win.

Winner: The Gunns

Colten gets on the mic and calls MJF a liar. He says MJF has been making sob stories. He says they were made for TV and they are AEW Tag Champs because they are generational talent. Austin call him a disgrace and says he has defended the titles once. Austin says the ROH Titles will go back in the hands of a real tag team.

MJF is backstage and Samoa Joe runs into him. MJF walks away.

Jon Moxley is backstage and he says Cassidy knew what he was doing by stepping into his territory. Moxley says Cassidy doesn’t deserve to make it to Full Gear. He asks Hook to take notes. Yuta says Hook crossed the line and he’ll see him in California.

*Commercial break*

A video package of Wardlow plays where he says he felt his potential was being wasted because of MJF. He says the days of the Devil are coming to an end.

Red Velvet vs. Julia Hart

Julia Hart’s music plays and she comes down to the ring. Red Velvet’s theme song plays and she walks to the ring.

The match begins and Red Velvet gets the better of Julia Hart with the arm drag. Julia trips Velvet. Velvet attack Julia in the corner.

*Commercial break*

Velvet with a dropkick to Julia. She knocks her down with a bulldog. Velvet with the double knees to the back. She follows it with a moonsault. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Velvet slams Julia to the mat. Cover! 1….2…..kick out. Hart kicks Velvet in the head. She stomps her viciously. Hart climbs the top rope and hits a moonsault for the win.

Winner: Julia Hart

Following the match, Hart locks in Hartless. Skye Blue’s music plays and she comes face-to-face with Julia. Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander also come down to the ring to get in the face of Julia Hart.

RJ City interviews Mariah May who says she has wrestled all over the world and she is excited to be part of AEW. She says she is a big fan of Toni Storm. RJ City says he can interview her to Toni.

*Commercial break*

Mark Briscoe vs. Jay White

Jay White’s music plays and he comes out to the ring with the rest of Bullet Club Gold. Mark Briscoe’s music hits and he comes down to the ring.

The match starts and Mark attacks Jay in the corner. He knocks down Jay who rolls out of the ring. Jay White comes back and knocks down Mark. Mark spikes Jay White. Mark slams Jay to the mat. He chops him in the corner and sets him on the top rope. He knocks him off with a chop.

Mark with dropkick on Jay. Mark sends Jay into the ring. The Gunns distract the referee and Jay White takes advantage with a DDT. He sends Mark to the outside. Jay distracts the referee and Bullet Club Gold attack Mark.

*Commercial break*

Jay White with a basement dropkick. Mark returns with a missile dropkick. Both men exchange strikes. Mark chops Jay but he comes with an elbow. Mark returns with a flying forearm. Mark with a neckbreaker. Mark with the fisherman buster. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

Mark hits the Death Valley driver. He climbs the top rope and hits the froggy bow. Cover! 1….2…kick out. White hits the urinagi. White hits the Kiwi crusher. Cover! 1….2….kick out. White goes for the Bladerunner but Mark hits the exploder suplex. He hits Jay with a clothesline.

Jay comes back with a sleeper suplex. He then hits the brain buster. Jay spikes Mark Briscoe in the ring. He then hits the Bladerunner for the win.

Winner: Jay White

MJF’s music plays and he attacks them with the Dynamite diamond ring. Jay rolls out of the ring and walks away. MJF says play time is over for Jay White because he will have to get in the ring with a real World Champion. He says Jay will have to kill him to beat him as he is fighting for everyone who has been on his journey. The lights go out. The Acclaimed are getting attacked by masked assailants. The Devil appears on the titantron. MJF runs backstage to check on The Acclaimed. Samoa Joe says MJF is running out of friends.

This ends our live coverage of AEW Dynamite!
